We are a DIRECTORY of private cabin owner properties.
Visit the individual property websites to book your vacation without service/booking fees.
Shared Widget Installation Instructions
We highly recommend that you use a laptop/desktop computer to work on these instructions.
The 6 steps of the installation MUST BE FOLLOWED IN ORDER.
■ STEP 1 - Format your OwnerRez Property Information
Follow the instructions below to make sure your property’s info is complete and formatted correctly in OwnerRez.
A. Property Photo
Follow instructions in the
screen shot.
B. Property URL - Make sure that Property URL is configured in OwnerRez
(Do this for each property you are adding.)
• Under Properties > Select property > General Info > Property URL
• This URL should be the page where the booking widget for YOUR property is located.
(This is the widget where guests can enter dates and inquire/book your cabin.)
C. General Property Info
• Under Properties > Select Property > General Info
• Make sure your minimum and maximum occupancy, bedrooms, amenities, and minimum/maximum rates are set up in OwnerRez.
■ STEP 2 - Install the Shared Widget HTML Code on a Sub-Page of your Website
•This custom widget was created by OwnerRez for our group. The widget code will not be found in your OwnerRez settings. You must use the custom HTML code provided here.
•The widget will automatically update on your website whenever new properties are added. You will not need to update the html code. HOWEVER, you may need to manually resize the container which holds the widget if your website builder doesn’t do so automatically.
• You can see examples of the Tile View Property Search Widget installed on these websites:
highviewcabins.com/morecabins peaksandpalmsrentals.com/rentals-by-owner smoky-mountains-cabin.com/rentals-by-owner
• The tiled widget should display 12 property "tiles" if you have made the widget container the correct size.
OTHER Website Builders
If your website was NOT created through OwnerRez, follow
the Step 2 instructions below.
STEP 2 - OTHER Website Builders
Installing the Availability/Property Search Widget
(for Non-OwnerRez sites)
Copy the highlighted HTML code below and insert it wherever you want the
Availability/Property Search Widget TILE VIEW widget to be located on your website. Make sure the container that holds the widget is sized to show 12 properties/tiles at a time.
(Specific instructions for this procedure will vary depending on what website builder you use.)
<!-- OwnerRez Availability/Property Search widget TILE VIEW-->
<div class="ownerrez-widget" data-widget-type="Owner Alliance Availability TILE VIEW - Availability/Property Search" data-widgetId="e34311b37a6441aa8ae255b423596a68"></div>
<script src="https://secure.ownerreservations.com/widget.js"></script>
Add the following explanation text to your page ABOVE the widget.
Missed out on our cabins? Looking for a different size? The Smoky Mountains properties below are privately owned, independently operated, and all offer owner-direct booking through their own websites. They do not charge guests any booking/service fees.
Search below and when you click on a property it will direct you to that owner's website.
■ STEP 3 - Website Menu
• Place a link in your website menu bar which points to the specific page where you have installed the Property Search Tile View Widget.
• The link can be on your main menu OR in a drop-down under a main menu button as shown below.
■ STEP 4 - Share your property
A. In your OwnerRez Dashboard, follow this path ➜ Settings > My Website > Property Sharing
B. On the Property Sharing page, select the "Join A Share" tab.
•You are searching for this property share ➜ https://www.smokymountaincabinsbyowner.com/join
•Use the Filter option "smoky" to narrow the search.
•Select "Join This Property Share"
C. On the "Join Property Share" page, select the property (or properties) you are requesting to be included in the SMCBO widget.
■ STEP 5 - Website Verification
•EMAIL VICTORIA at mybluemountainlodge@gmail.com
In your email, tell Victoria that you have completed Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the widget installation steps and you are ready to begin your annual subscription via PayPal .
Include your name AND property name in the email.
•VERIFICATION - Victoria will verify that you have completed the following...
1. Correctly installed the Tile View Availability/Search Widget on your website.
2. Installed a Button in your Menu Bar leading to the widget page on your site.
3. Requested to join the share in your OwnerRez settings.
■ STEP 6 - Membership Subscription
After your widget installation has been verified (Step 5), Victoria will email you the instructions for paying the annual membership via PayPal subscription.
1. The annual membership subscription is $ 5.00 PROPERTY, to be paid with PayPal.
2. If you have multiple properties joining SMCBO, you will need to do a subscription for EACH PROPERTY.
3. Subscriptions will automatically renew on the subscription anniversary date each year.
4. We do not pro-rate or give refunds on subscriptions.
5. If you sell a property or want to leave SMCBO, you can cancel your subscription through PayPal settings.
6. Subscriptions are handled by Peaks and Palms Rentals (Dave Bruder, Admin).
Your property (properties) will be admitted to the shared widget and SMCBO website once you have completed your PayPal subscription(s).
Join the Facebook Group for OwnerRez users in the Smokies
► The "OwnerRez Users in Sevier, Blount, or Cocke counties TN" Facebook Group is where we post announcements, updates, and where you can ask questions about the shared widget, etc.
► www.facebook.com/groups/SmokyMountainsOwnerRezUsers
► Please request to join at the link if you are not already a member of the group.